Loving Our Differences
This week I want to talk about a controversial subject. Now please
don’t stop reading and turn away and please don’t automatically have anger in
your heart. I promise to handle this subject with as much love and
understanding in my heart as I know how. And as always, I want to remind any
readers that this is an open dialogue, please always feel free to comment and
start a friendly conversation with me. :)
So, let’s dive right on in. This week we talked about gender
roles and the possible natural differences between the sexes. I want to first
start off by saying I do not discriminate against anyone in the LGBTQ+
community, I have many loved ones apart of this community. I understand that
everything I talk about is not applicable to everyone. Continuing, science is
starting to show that just behaviorally, before any environmental factors,
babies and young children will act differently. They seek attention
differently, react to situations differently, choose different toys, and play
with others in unique gender specific ways. I do not bring up this subject to
dive into the science behind genders and sex, I bring up this topic to discuss
the needs of both men and women.
I consider myself to be a feminist. I want equal rights for woman,
and I believe that for many years in every nation, there has been a lack of
rights for woman. I think there should be equal rights for everyone so that
agency is still an option for all people. However, I do not agree with some recent feminist
stances. A lot of people are now claiming that woman can do anything on their
own and have no need for men. Some men claim the opposite that the don’t need or
want a woman. This can be a confusing message. Some people claim they want
equal rights but then start to belittle a different gender or sex. I may hold
an old-fashioned belief, but I believe, in this world, we need both men and
woman. Please do not misunderstand, this is not me trying to step on my soapbox
and preach that men can’t be happy without an woman and vice versa. I’m saying,
just in general, this world needs both men and woman.
Speaking generally, men and woman have very specific skills
and attributes that can help each other. Speaking from my own relationship, my fiancé
helps me with so many things that I struggle with. And I am referring to more
than help opening a pickle jar. I tend to be an extreme overthinker. I know
this is not a trait specific to women, but I know plenty of women that this is
more popular with than with men. My fiancé on the other hand is a more precise
thinker, he takes a few simple facts, comes to a conclusion, and doesn’t let it
bother him anymore. So, when I start to panic and come to a million
conclusions, he helps me calm down and focus on the now rather than every
single outcome that could happen. He likes to go do traditional “manly”
things and I prefer art and more delicate hobbies. As we’ve come together in our
relationship and combined habits, hobbies, ways of thinking, and so much more,
we have found greater happiness. All I mean to say by this is that both sexes
are important, the differences of each human are crucial to the beauty of this
world. We need not say one sex is superior to one or the other. They can complement
each other; personalities can complete each other.
So, what’s the message from this week’s blog? Love each
other, love every gender and sex, see the unique differences of each other and
celebrate them (as long as they are rooted in goodness). What difference within the sexes do see and appreciate?
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