

So, is it all about sex?  Nowadays our culture, our social media, our everything points us to sex. And not in a respectful manner. It’s all about pleasure. About getting the most from your partner. Some even claim if the person the like isn’t good in bed they leave, that become a deal breaker for them. It’s all about what you get and not what you’re giving. Do you think that’s how it was meant to be designed? Is sex all about ourselves> Should we even care about how the other person feels?

I think we should definitely take into consideration our partners. I believe the act of sex is supposed to bring two people, two eternally committed people together. I think it should be an act of love and not one of pleasure. I think we should care about the other person and care for what they like and need. I think we should know them enough to know what fears they have or what pace they want to move at. If we don’t take these precautions, it’s possible to open your hearts up for heartache.

There are certain chemicals produced and released during sex, those chemicals can increase one’s attachment to their sexual partner. It can create a bond to the other person. If one is not careful with another person’s emotions, you can leave your sexual partner feeling unloved and vulnerable. Sex should be an opportunity for a couple to enhance their emotional connection together. Emotions can be a large part of someone’s sexual partnership. If a couple feels safe, close and cared for, they are more likely to participate in sexual activity. In return, their feelings of closeness are increased after they are sexually active together. As well, being sexually active with someone allows you to have the unique experience to have open communication and to be humble. Since that can be such a vulnerable time for a couple, it requires both partners to be kind, thoughtful, loving, respectful, and selfless. I think the selflessness is super important. I don’t agree that everything should be about pleasure. I think that sometimes it needs to be loving and showing your love for someone else. I believe that it should generally be a selfless act. I think it’s also important to recognize differences between each sex. Males, generally speaking, get aroused easier as well as climax easier. For women, it can take a lot longer. If the partners aren’t aware of these physical differences, it can cause serious misunderstandings and hurt feelings. Both parties should have open communication with one another so that they can understand what makes each other the happiest and most comfortable. Looking at the anatomy of each sexes body, it's no surprise the to have the most pleasure you have to be selfless and patient.

I want to just to also clarify, sex should be pleasurable for both partners but if something doesn’t automatically click, like social media says it should, don’t loose hope. Focus on making your relationship more intimate.

Relationships are about intimacy, not just sexually but emotionally as well. It should be about making sure your partner is happy outside of the sheets as well as in. If you’re looking for sexual satisfaction, evaluate your relationship and see if there’s something the relationship is missing. Is each person heard, feel understood, do you serve one another, put each other first? Do you have one on one time to get to know each other and to evaluate each other’s needs? These are things that can boost your emotional intimacy and create greater sexual satisfaction! What have you guys seen? Are there trends that you agree with or disagree with?


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