Hello! My name is Molly and I'm so glad you're joining me on my journey of learning about family relations! I plan on keeping y'all informed about my learnings in my Family Relations Class!
Nowadays Family looks like a lot of different things and is defined differently for every culture, country, and legal law. Regardless of what family is to you or those you love, family takes work. What does work mean to you? Most people will think of the usual 9-5 as the definition of work. For me, work means a planned action to reach a specific goal. There are many people nowadays that glorify the 9-5 over the traditional home. What are you’re thoughts? Which would lead to a more successful and fulfilling life? There are a majority of people that now answer and say they think that a successful career is more important than a happy life with a spouse and children. I like to hope that my happiness and success will come from a happy family. I don’t find anything wrong with a career or with holding a job but that is not the...
Hello everyone! For this week’s post I would like to discuss the decreasing rates of marriage and family growth. This week we took a deep dive into the rates of which families are or are not growing. America is currently not reaching the replacement birth rate. The replacement birth rate is how many children a country needs to have per year to replace its population. On average each American woman were having 2.3 children, nowadays that number has decreased and is now at 1.8 children per woman. This is a surprisingly low rate. Obviously, the American population is in no immediate danger. However, if this trend continues through the decades, we could be looking a serious problem. We discussed possible reasons why people are choosing to not have as many children and came up with a variety of possible reasons. One of them is that there are a significant amount of people marrying later in life. The later a couple decides to have children, the rates of infertility get higher. So, in conse...
Hello fellow learners. Hope everyone had a great week. This week we handled many heavy and interesting subjects in my Family Relations Class. So, this week I’m going to talk about social status or statuses within families and how that might affect relationship and the success of a family. First, I want to start out by asking what is status? Why would it be important to a family? Well, as much as we as American’s don’t want to admit it, there is asocial class within America. There are ranks within our society. These could be based on the amount of money you make, or even the people you associate with, your job, and so many other contributing factors. Look back at when you were in grade school, there was definitely a social class, was there not? There were the jocks, the cheerleaders, the nerds, the music kids, and the social outcasts. Depending on what group you belonged to, the more friends or attention you received. The same can happen with current American residents. There ar...
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